Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Has anyone sold to

Jan 24, 2017

Got a call today from a broker representing Asked me to provide some detail, sent a soft-proposal for me to sign (i have not). before i make another move, i want to check with the forum to see if anyone has any knowledge of this company.

thank you

Matthew T.
Jan 24, 2017

DO NOT SIGN anything.....Looking them up on the BBB site, there is nothing. It's possible they may not be a member, but The first red flag is, "they called you"...........Did you start the conversation ? If you did not, FORGET IT !! It sounds some what fishy to me. Especially the part where send you a contract, soft or hard a contract is still that. Never give any info regarding anything, until you check them out. Coming here first was a smart move on your part.

William P.
Jan 24, 2017

thx for the reply. I did not start the conversation. I let him do the talking, i gave little info. Im smart enough not to sign anything. The guy asked a few questions about my ownership, type, #of beds, etc. nothing too fishy about the questions he was asking. I gave no personal info other than an email i rarely use specifically for phishing like this.

Matthew T.
Jan 24, 2017

This sounds like the one scam that was going around on the forms lately, where they will rent your TS for you, and handle the paper work. It is nothing but a scam. They get your name, and prey on people that can't or don't do their home work. If people would take into consideration that a unsolicited call, concerning a TS or anything is just a scam. it would save them $$$$$. Congrats again on taking the time.

William P.
Nov 15, 2017

I got a call from Marketing Information & Strategy Consultants yesterday Nov 14, 2017 indicating they would like to purchase my timeshare. Today, I received a Resale proposal from them. I really think this is a scam, because they are offering $49k for my timeshare. No one has even offered me $500.00 and not I get an offer for twice what I paid. I just want to know if anyone out there has been contacted by Matthew G. Davis from Marketing Information & Strategy Consultants? Thanks.

Brett A.
Nov 15, 2017

Of course it's a scam --- and I think you already know that. For starters, it was a "cold call". Secondly, no timeshare on the planet (including yours) is worth $49k in the resale market.

'Tis the season for these types of scammers. With maintenance fee bills now right around the corner, hungry parasites like these crawl out of their little holes in the ground around this time each year, prepared to take advantage of gullible and / or desperate people.

Having presented those enticing big numbers to put big dollar signs in your eyes and a big smile on your face, their next play will be a sudden requirement for you to have to pay a bogus "escrow fee" or some other such "refundable later" nonsense charge. If you pony up the money, shortly thereafter you will hear a faint POOF! sound as they (along with your money) promptly disappear into thin air --- neither to be heard from ever again nor located.

They have absolutely no interest in your timeshare --- and never did. They are only interested in taking money from anyone who will fall for their "pitch". When enough people report having been scammed and the "company" name gets sufficient negative exposure, they simply change their "company" name and start running their scam all over again under a new name. The sad, unfortunate reality is that parasites like these know that "a fool and his money are soon parted" and they are happy to take full advantage of that old saying.


Last edited by ken1193 on Nov 17, 2017 11:58 AM

Nov 15, 2017

Ken, Thanks for the verification and yes the dollar signs were temping. I had a feeling it was and this why I asked the question.

Brett A.
Nov 16, 2017

Well it was better for you to ask the question before sending your money off to these crooks. Sadly many people come on these boards asking about such scams after they have sent the money.

Lance C.

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