
Butale, Botswana, South Africa, Africa

Modumela About the Resort

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Situated in Eastern Botswana, some 68 km from Francistown, Modumela lodge offers guests the African experience of a lifetime and the opportunity to experience Botswana in all of its splendour. The main lodge complex compromises a restaurant, bar, shop and reception is surrounded by modumela trees, overlooking a scenic dam. Situated on 1750 hectares of privately owned land, this setting is perfect for your African vacation. Offering game drives, nature walks, swimming and orienteering, Modumela is a "must do" destination for the whole family. Named after the magnificent and abundant white syringa trees on the property, Modumela offers comfort, relaxation and tranquility to anyone longing for a back-to-nature retreat and the ultimate African bush experience.