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Getting this forum started

It looks like I'm the first post -- that or I can't figure out how to find any. ;-) We've owned at IFC for about 10 years and always enjoy our visits there. We now own an Imperial unit and in February we're going to spend two weeks -- one in the studio and the second in the one bedroom. We haven't stayed in the studio before and I'm a little worried it'll feel very small after staying in the Ambassador but, it'll be the first week and we'll make up for it with the second week in the Ambassador side. We traded in a Tahoe timeshare to upgrade to the Imperial unit, thinking that we'd be immediately free of that Tahoe commitment. Not so. Until they sell that unit, we're still the owners and responsible for all the fees, etc. So, be careful if they offer that as an incentive. IFC has been very cooperative but they are a little clueless about what happens after they take the trade-in. If it doesn't sell by the time we go back in Feb, I'll have a stern talk with sales and get this resolved before the next maintenance fee is due -- and get back the unexpected maintenance fee I had to pay this year. They already offered to give me back my Tahoe unit if it didn't work out. I may take them up on it and sell it myself. Cheap. I'll be checking this site often so I hope to hear how other members spend their time when they're in Cancun. We tend not to venture too far, having already taken all the tours at least once.