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Re: Island Seas Rental

[Q=robertl159] I put my ad for a week rental in for over 6 months with no replies. I paid the fee and no one will be renting my condo either therefore I have lost money in this company and in not renting my week. Anyone else have that problem?[/Q] There is no guarantee in renting out or selling your unit by Redweek. They are not agents (who would otherwise charge you a hefty fee), but rather act more like a newspaper classified section. Does newspaper guarantee you rental/sale through classified section? Redweek is doing a great job in making the web site very user friendly, updating the photos to attract more readers and renters. The rest is up to luck - a good match between renters and rentees. So far I have rented out all 4 of my ads (for 2 separate resorts) without any problem. Best of luck to you.