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Re: Tips on Renting Out Timeshare

Jennie, In your experience, had any renters ever changed their mind not renting, when they were asked to sign a rental agreement, or leave a deposits, or were told that they will be responsible for the damages if they or their guests damaged the rental unit. I am new at this, this is all very stressful! What have I got myself into owning a timeshare to start with. And at which point during the rental processes, that you ask the renters to sign the rental agreement. Thanks for you help! Soonn [Q=jennie] [Q=phill12] [Q=jennie] Timesharing Today Magazine sells a rental and also a sale kit at a very reasonable price. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jennie I'm not a lawyer so until something goes wrong I wonder just how much these forms would work. I really doubt most people renting a timeshare for a week are going to hand over their credit card number to a owner.