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Re: consecutive weeks??

Sure you can; I have done so on multiple occasions. However, unless you absolutely insist on renting both weeks [b]only[/b] together as a single rental (not a great idea, since many people simply don't have the financial option and / or the free time to rent two consecutive weeks), you should consider identifying and advertising just one of those weeks and then very clearly and specifically state in the details of your ad that the following (or preceding, whichever is the case) week is also available to rent in the same unit. That way, your rental ad potentially appeals [b]both[/b] to people looking for just a single week [b]and[/b] to those who would like to rent two consecutive weeks together. If you offer a "discount" for renting both weeks together, say so in your ad details and identify the discount amount. If no discount is offered for renting both weeks together, say so clearly and right up front within your ad. The more clear and specific, detailed information you provide within your ad, the fewer identical questions you will have to answer (over and over again) from multiple inquiring parties. The above is what I have successfully done on multiple occasions with our consecutive weeks over the past decade or so when we have been unable to use our weeks ourselves, including recently in two separate ads for our 2022 weeks. In both of those recent ads for our 2022 weeks, the very first people to inquire wanted to rent [b]both[/b] of the consecutive weeks, but that is certainly not always the case, in my experience. You didn't ask, but I strongly recommend having a written, mutually signed rental agreement. That rental agreement should very clearly and specifically identify your cancellation / refund policy. In our current Covid-dominated world, I personally choose to guarantee in writing a prompt 100% refund if the resort became closed for the rental week(s) for [b]any[/b] reason. That said, my rental agreement also recommends that the renter(s) obtain their own travel insurance or trip cancellation insurance, to protect themselves in the event that they have to cancel, as I will not provide any refund in any amount for any reason if the resort is open and available for occupancy during their rental period. A timeshare owner renting out their owned interval(s) has the right (and also the responsibility, in my opinion) to identify a clear, written cancellation / refund policy, leaving [b]no[/b] room for [b]any[/b] possible "misunderstandings". I've never had a dissatisfied renter or a rental "misunderstanding" and I intend to keep it that way if we have to rent out our weeks in the future. I hope that some of the input above helps you in some way(s). Good luck.