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Where are the people who actually exited a time share?

When you look for exit forums to find out real info like... actual people who exited their time share...all you can find are websites promoting an exit or resell of your time share or a review site reviewing such companies. But I am looking for a forum where actual people who actually exited their time share talk and share companies that actually got them our of their time shares. If all you can find are companies using people's stories for their own benefit then you can't trust that they are real testimonies. Even at the BBB they can just be a bunch of "paid for" positive reviewers. I am searching for actual forums where real people just share real information. Like when you saw a good movie you told your brother, hey I just saw this movie, it was great, check it out. If people actually exit their time shares than how they did it would be readily available where people talk about their time shares exit experiences. If it's only on an industry related website than it is not believable to me. A good company that actually gets people out would be known by many people telling everyone they knew about them. Googling this only turns up professional sites. That's what led me here. Has anyone here actually exited their time share? Does anyone know someone who did ? Does anyone know an actual forum where people talk about their stories and share solutions. Not just give advice but can point you to an actual company that got it done for them. People that are not paid to point to a company. No one pays me to recommend a movie, I just do it. Where are the time share people who got it done and can tell others?