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[Q=christineu18] I’m in the same boat. I stopped paying 3 months ago and I’ve been getting emails that if I miss 1 more payment, they would turn it into collections and will likely ruin my credit. I paid $7,000 already but I still owe $7,000. I stopped paying because it was presented as an “investment” at the time we signed, which I know now there’s no such a thing. I haven’t used the resort at all and have not gotten any penny back. I’m contemplating if I should just keep paying my monthly payments for 3 more years to avoid ruining my credit or just stop the bleeding. Anyone here actually stopped paying? Did it really ruin your credit? Or is it all scare tactics?[/Q] Your post does not overtly indicate whether this purchase was in the U.S. or in Mexico. If it was in Mexico, rest assured that they are [b]not[/b] going to do anything thing beyond gratefully keeping your $7k deposit and then ultimately forgetting all about you. Their email threats are toothless and meaningless. They have absolutely no collection leverage here in the U.S., unless there is also a physical business presence of that same developer here in the U.S. --- which is [b]highly[/b] unlikely --- and they have no leverage (or any intentions) to try to affect your credit rating in the U.S. (or Canada), despite any empty threats indicating otherwise. I have [b]never[/b] heard of anyone [b]ever[/b] enduring any negative consequences from just walking away from a Mexican RTU (right to use) contract (which is really nothing more than a overpriced membership --- you actually own NOTHING). The $7k you paid already is gone forever, but that's no reason to voluntarily lose [b]another[/b] $7k by sending it off to those deceitful parasites. In my opinion, that would just be a waste of (more) money, unless it is your intention to ever use that RTU contract in the future.