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Re: Global Vacation system

[Q=mike1536] [Q=jasminev2] I recently got a call to attend one of their presentations with an offer for 2 free tickets anywhere in US and 3 day 4 night stay in one of their resorts. I am curious to know if this is too good to be true deal or would they really offer this? Thanks![/Q] =============== The free tickets/lodging offer is probably legit. Many companies offer these things. However, many of these have strings attached, which may include paying additional fees. After you read the fine print; rules; and regulations, you may find that it is not worth the trouble or expense to take the trip. If you can attend the presentation and avoid the temptation to buy anything, then look at the trip info and make your own decision. WARNING: These salespeople are very good at parting people from their money. Be strong or else the next post we see will be "How do I get out of this contract" Mike[/Q] ------ Are you sure the offer was not "4 days and 3 nights"? They usually count the arrival afternoon and departure morning as "days". MD