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Informed posts and replies vs. ranting and raving...

roxannel15 rudely offers in part: >> The response from the long winded fellow coming up with solutions OTHER than getting rid of it...<< =============================================== That "long winded" fellow to whom you make such dismissive reference voluntarily provided a clear, accurate and factual response to a specific inquiry (which, by the way, wasn't yours) in this forum. In essence, he voluntarily gave free, competent legal views for which one would have to pay dearly in an actual attorney consultation. Clearly, you dislike timeshare and are obviously uninformed, bitter, and angry; apparently about an ownership of no value which you don't use or want but can't get rid of. We get that --- loud and clear, over and over again. That's fine, but don't then feel obligated to belittle and deride the well informed input of other people posting here for no other reason than to try to help others. Those people are not selling anything and they do NOT personally profit in ANY way from offering to others their own experience, knowledge and advice. Show (...or at least PRETEND to have...) a little bit of class. If you don't want or appreciate the input of others, feel free to just completely ignore it and move on --- without all the diatribe and drivel about fraud, government conspiracy, mafia, racketeering and other such nonsense.