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Rental rates by owners .... hey, we're in a recession !

hey jay jay, you are right, we are in a recession. People need money, which is why many people are renting their timeshares instead of taking the vacation. If they could afford to give them away, they would take the vacation themselves. That being said, when I am getting ready to rent a week, I reply to EVERYONE who "owns" the week I want. I let them know how many people they are competing with, how flexible I am (which means I can pick and choose), and ask if their rate is flexible. Guess what? Almost everyone's rate is. But there is a bottom line that everyone has before they will just: cash in for points, give the week to their brother, or go themselves. If everyone could travel for the deal you are looking for, you wouldn't see much for rent. And the stuff that was for rent would be twice the price (the whole supply and demand thing). Just my two cents.