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LMP Property Management Scam

[Q=brucem219] People must really work hard to figure out how they can get your money. [/Q] Actually, it's not really "hard work" at all to just tell a few tall tales , make some meaningless verbal empty promises --- and then get some gullible individual to turn over their credit card info to the tune of hundreds of dollars. In fact, as in virtually all phony scam operations, it's EASY money for very little investment of time OR effort. By the way, the possibility of a "lender financing" in a resale timeshare transaction is somewhere between zero and none, even more so in the current economy. It just doesn't exist or happen. This (alleged) "buyer" claim is entirely without merit or credibility. If asked to identify this alleged "lender", I suspect there would just be a very awkward silence on the other end of the phone line, or the naming of a non-existent entity. There are no "victims", only VOLUNTEERS! So...DON'T VOLUNTEER!