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Re: Wyndham timeshare-fairfield

It's better to call RCI and ask the Wyndham to RCI Points question. It is completely worthless to ask here. If anyone gives you any slightly incorrect info, it does you no good. Instead you should call RCI Points directly to ask. Having said that, it should be possible to use Wyndham Points to get RCI Points. RCI Points members have a "Points for Deposit" option for RCI Points members who also own weeks resorts. I didn't call to verify Wyndham Points could or could not participate but since Wyndham Points are converted into weeks for deposit, I think this could be done. Here is the text from the RCI website, the "small fee" is $26 per the link below: Points for Deposit - RCI Points® subscribing members who also own at Weeks resorts can choose to receive points for their Weeks deposits via the RCI Points for Deposit program for a small fee, (for non-commercial use only) even if that resort is not participating in RCI Points. The Weeks ownership is not actually being "converted"; however, those deposits can be converted to additional points. The member decides which weeks to convert and which to leave in Weeks, one deposit at a time (up to four weeks a year). If the member chooses to take the points, that deposit is moved to RCI Points inventory and instead of confirming an "exchange", the member will reserve RCI Points resorts or RCI Points Partner services. To take advantage of this opportunity, and to determine how many Points you can receive, call 1-877-968-7476. Please note that some resort ownerships may not be eligible for the Points-for-Deposit program, depending on the individual resort's policy.