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Any experience with

[Q=lynnc216] Has anyone every heard of or dealt with this company? I am interested in renting my Aruba Easter week timeshare. They said they would "guarantee" that it would be rented....but at what price? I have read many posts saying to not pay any fees up front, which is what they have asked for. Any info is greatly appreciated.[/Q] Enter the company's phone number in a search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.) and see what pops up. It's usually connected to another shady resale/listing company. I'm guessing that this one is connected to which I fell for. They gave me the same "guarantee". They give a rental price of 2-3 times your maintenance fees which is intended to paralyze you with excitement and stop you from thinking rationally. Their guarantee is that they'll "rent it out" for "a day". Translation: they'll send you a rebate on your upfront fee of about $100. I'm assuming their upfront fee is in the neighborhood of $900. That means you'll be paying them $800 to put your resort on their feeble website. Before you pay them a nickel, ask them to e-mail you a copy of the contract.