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Resort Page Update

[Q=pm59] Most of the pics are showing the resort before the latest refurbishment and should be removed. Only the following pics are still showing the reality. Here's the only pics that should be kept for this resort: 1-2-7-8-9-12-27-32-34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-49-50-51-52 More pic #29 was stolen from one of my private website/post and should be removed at once because of my copyright...[/Q] Thank you so much, Pierre, for your help with the photos. I have removed the photos. The numbers don't always match up with what we see on our end so hopefully I removed all the correct photos. We actually use many photos on the main resort page that owners have added with their postings. When adding your photos we basically own the rights to use them if we need to. It benefits the resort's owners to have as many photos as we can for the potential renter/buyer to see. If it wasn't for the owner's photos we wouldn't be able to provide a good visual representation of the resort. Please check the photos again and let me know if any more need to be removed. Also, if you could check that the description and amenities are correct too would be most appreciated. Thanks, Marty