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Re: I worked at a timeshare SCAM....I want to tell you about it.

I was contacted by RCI in April 2010 stating that they had a buyer for our timeshare in Las Vegas. They stated that the buyer was willing to pay and they would set up the contract but required money to set up the contract. They stated the money would go into a Good Faith Account and I would receive they money back along with final contract and the check for our timeshare. They stated the process would take up to 60 days to complete the underwriting of the contract. They would call weekly to update me on their progress. I was able to get in contact with them using the number they had listed for the first 2 months. The last time I talked to them was in July and they stated I should receive my check and final contract by August. I tried to get in contact with them in August and the number went straight to an answering service. I emailed them too with no response. I checked their website and discovered the scam alert on line. Is there any way to track these people down? I found a company that seemed promising that actually turned out to NOT be a fraud and didnt charge me any upfront fees! The company is called BCA Recovery in Coconut Creek FL - guy by the name of Joseph at 800-982-0221 or email .... the process wasnt as fast as they maid it seem but i sure enough got my money back from those thieves and of course i paid them once i got my money back. BUT all in all they were great people to work with. THANK YOU!