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[Q=jimc148] ...DFC has not stopped using the tax deduction angle as a selling point. It was mentioned it twice in the short conversation I had with them.[/Q] That's unfortunate. I thought they had "cleaned up their act" on that matter since being "called out" on those inaccuracies and removing their incorrect info from some other Internet sites. In fairness, there ARE some specific circumstances when a timeshare donation CAN be tax deductible, but a formal appraisal of actual market value is required to satisy the IRS that the deducted amount is both legitimate and accurate. Unfortunately, as we all know, many timeshares essentially have NO current market value at all. If a comparable week is selling on eBay for a dollar, there is clearly NO case to be made that MY comparable week at the same place is somehow instead worth thousands of dollars. Sadly, it ain't so...