Report Abuse

Current Status of Kamaole Beach Club

THE UNITS ARE NOT FINE...the project is 30 years old and there are 30 year old problems that desperately need to be addressed. There was an issue of MOLD in some units and dry-rot damage to roofs and other parts of structure. The last financial statement showed they ran out of money at the end of 2010 and took monies out of the reserve fund (which is now VERY under funded by standards) to pay bills. The project is a financial keg of dynamite. A few units have new furniture...but that's just lip-stick. The illegal/self appointed board does not have any experience in the the Timeshare business along with the Management company (which no bids were put out for?). It's in a great location but until some one that knows how to run a timeshare project gets in there and strighten things's headed for ruin. With more/enough complaints from owners to the State of Hawaii R.I.C.O (Regulated Industries Complaints Office - ) things might be put back on track. John