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I have a question about timeshare ownership vs vacation property ownership

[Q=jurih] Or does the annual maintenance and management of a second dwelling make it unattractive to own. [/Q] Simply put, Yes! Think about the house you own (assuming you own it). How much do you pay each year in property taxes, repairs, cleaning, renovations, insurance, security, landscaping, etc.? Now apply that amount to a second home - in a city far away. Now think about how much vacation time you get each year. Do you think it makes sense to own a year-round property for something you'll use just a few weeks each year? Also, if one little thing goes wrong with your vacation home (and things like these tend to happen at various times during the year), can you leave at the drop of a hat to go attend to that problem - before it becomes worse? Then, when you try to sell your vacation home, think of the real estate, taxes, moving, and other expenses of selling that home.