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Silver Lakes Vacation Club has filed for Bankruptcy.

Silver Lakes Vacation Club went bankrupt in July 2011. (Riverside Federal Court # 6:11-bk-33951) Where has the money gone? It seems that Mr. Bunch, who controls Silver Lakes Vacation Club has filed for bankruptcy because Silver Lakes Vacation Club owes a half million dollars to WDB Marketing, owned and controlled by William D. Bunch. Silver lakes Vacation Club also claims it owes another party , Reefland Estates, about a quarter million who has the same mailing address as Silver Lakes Vacation Club. Something is going on that does not seem right. If you are a member of SLVC you may want to get some true answers. I suggest you look at the sworn testimony of Mr. Bunch available at WWW.AFTSLVC.COM. There are many Silver Lakes Vacation Club members who just want to give back their timeshare to ex-con William Bunch. Mr Bunch will not allow that.