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Re: Please report upfront fee scammers to Attorney General .... there's power in numbers ... Florida has begun

[Q=morgan152] My wife and I have duped to the tune of over $20K. Either by the 'have a sale' crooks or 'we will get you money back'. Same crooks--just a different line. I am making a detailed listing for the Florida Attorney General's office. Just had a call from "Resort Resale Advocate Group in Newport Beach, California. They say they don't charge up-front. They will call back next week. I Googled and found very little that helped. Anyone know if they are for real?[/Q] Don't bite .... the old saying is still true .... "fool me once, it's your fault .... fool me twice, it's my fault". Timeshare scams are rampant and more are popping up every day.