Report Abuse

"Attempts" aren't as high priority as COMMITTED crimes...

[Q=ellenb112] These scammers from all over the country call me at least 3 times a week to sell my timeshare that is with Wyndham Resorts. They all want their money upfront..... Do I notify the Attorney General in my state of Indiana or Florida?[/Q] If you were scammed, contact the Attorney General of jurisdiction (the AG of the state in which you believe the scammer to be based and operating). Florida is the scammer capital of the world, but the legal "heat" in FL has many scammers "relocating" to other states. However, unless you have ALREADY been scammed, you may find the AG office to be unenthusiastic in hearing about mere phone calls. They frankly have their hands quite full already tracking down and investigating scams (i.e., criminal activities) which, unfortunately, have ALREADY been successfully committed. Nonetheless, report the parasites; AG investigators MIGHT just welcome more details that help them "fill in some blanks".