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Re: Timeshare Sell Scams

OMG!!! Here's another one that even tops being scammed by Tele Teton! Are you all ready for this??? I just received a call today on my cell from a company calling itself Trinity Financial Associates based in Wilmington, Delaware, informing me that our timeshare closing date is scheduled for February 21st, 2012! I played along on this one to get as much information as I could to report them to the Attorney General's office there. He was supposed to email me all the contract and closing documents via email today and needed them signed and returned by tomorrow at the latest. The kicker here is that he explained to me that, of course, I would be responsible to pay the tax/transfer taxes for this transaction and I needed to pay them prior to closing. HA! Sound familiar everyone??? Please don't believe anyone trying to get you with these 'too good to be true tactics' again! Has anyone else been contacted by this new company with a similar conversation?? Pls respond asap! P.S. I never received those closing documents in my business email so I called him back and gave him another email account to send them to. Let's see what happens and I'll report again soon. Be safe out there!