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Re: Timeshare Adventure Cancellation Program

Actually I saw a Google ad on this site and contacted them. Some weeks later they followed up with this offer. Bill Kelso said no up front fees but then sent an email that said it would cost $2995. I am not desperate but I can see where this is going with DRI. Fees will keep going up and it is already costing me more in maintenance fees than it is worth. I think these timeshare companies have pretty much figured out how to screw you legally and the chance of breaking the deal based on coercion or whatever is based on your testimony while they have all the documents in order. For example, one clause I found says that you can't rely on anything they told you if it is not in the documents. That's a license to lie. I think this is looking like a shark attack. But if they are so confident of success I will offer to give them any amount they recover but no up front fees!