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Villa Preferred Access - Conversion to Points System

[Q=dianef101] I tried to search first before posting a new message to see if there is any history. I bought a timeshare onsite at Villa Del Arco about 5 years ago, one week, 1BR in the summer. I know I paid too much but enjoy Cabo and the property. Do have to plan many months in advance to get something scheduled which is kind of a pain. For around $5,600 (original price $22K) they want to convert mine to a "points" bases membership and give year round access other than Christmas holiday I believe. They talk about the benefits of building up points for larger units or multiple smaller, etc., etc. Better availability, flexibility, yada, yada. Honestly I have to believe this is not worth doing at this cost and the secondary market is still the place to go. However appreciate any feedback or experiences on this one. VIlla Group has some nice properties including some recently completed ones. I just want to make sure I am not overlooking something. Not much good feedback on a google search but not sure that is just sour grapes from making a bad decision overall. Thanks! Diane[/Q] It sounds like you own a floating week and have to reserve a week far in advance to get what you want. I believe, even if you buy into the points system, that you would still have the same problem that you have now in getting what you want. I would stay with what I already own. Most point systems are there just to part yourself from your bank account.