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Re: Is Getting Rid of Timeshares a Problem?

OK, let me tie "Let's all work together" with "Internet timeshare forum". Overseas the problem of the timeshare industry failing to provide for owners who are done with their timeshares appears to be even greater than in the US. I could find the exact figure, but from memory I believe something like 40% of owners in the UK want out. I believe Israel was in the process of developing legislation requiring deedbacks (and I use deedbacks as a single word meaning the resorts or "clubs" would be required to accommodate those who want out) when the resort industry got wind of it and got involved in it themselves. In the US there are states that are pro-active when it comes to regulating the industry, only I don't believe they are aware of the exit strategy problem. For instance, Florida and Missouri, have been very active in prosecuting outright scams in sales and resales. Even the Federal government prosecuted one of the largest timeshare companies for No Call violation. So, is it conceivable that Internet timeshare forums could do something as simple as provide a properly-worded petition where owners who believe that the industry should offer some sort of exit strategy could sign, and that could be presented to the FTC and the various states? This country has a history of policing business and industry when it chooses to not police itself. So?