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Global Travel Network - has anyone used this? Pros and cons?

[Q=malloryw5] Hey Ricky, I learned about Global Travel Network at their tent at a music festival last week in Winter Park, CO. I'm set up to go to their presentation in a couple weeks. What has your experience been since your last post in 2011? Would you recommend? I looked up the reviews and was discerning on which were mixed up as the same company but we're not, but still not much I was able to find. Any info would be much appreciated![/Q] Well, I still use it from time to time but I find it really difficult to book locations now. Since I purchased (For example), I can not get anything southern California. When I asked why, they said that Wyndam had purchased most of the properties that used to be available to them so now the inventory is really limited. I have not been thrilled with my membership or gotten much value out of it in the past few years. In the beginning it was awesome but if i had to buy it again today, I would not. They might have changed the program since then but I doubt it. I think I can honestly say now that I have been a member for a few years that I have not recouped my membership fee. I could have gotten the same value by just booking regular hotels over the years. Sorry to disappoint you.