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Re: Rekindling my educational efforts

t a very large container and fill it with all of your savings, trusts, 401 and anything of value you own. The go to the nearest ocean and drop it in and you will have the satisfaction of seeing where your money is going. My husband and I owned to timeshares. The mainentance was a low of $200.00 and after a few years it grew to $800 and then one of the time shares stated that they had some water problems and we were expected to pay for it. Sent us a bill for $4000.00 plus the $800 current fee. We sent letter all over the country, BBB, Senators,. owners of the properties and finally got a answer from them to say they will not demand the money and will let us turn over the property back to them. The second time share let us sell it back to them for just our maintenance fee. We were so happy to get out of that mess. It is so hard to sell the TS that people were putting theirs in EBay a few years ago for $5.00. The first TS we owned was making it impossible to use our property after booking a year in advance. Checked out hotel rentals and they were letting people rent my unit by the day and making a mint. Do your self a favour. Lose all of your money or buy a condo as was suggested.