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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

I think craigr has a good idea, and though not all of us could attend, those who cannot could write statements or affidavits confirming and supporting the position of those who do attend, stating in effect that they are representing the rest of us. Although we like to call this a lawsuit, it actually is a criminal investigation into illegal real estate fraud and mismanagement by the State of New York. The end result, if the AG is successful, would be to stop the criminal action and penalize the criminals. I don't think the State can sue them for us. It would definitely benefit us all to know, first hand from the NYAG, if frauded timeshare owners stand to re-gain any loss from the State's action, if they are successful. I think it most likely that we would have to separately follow-up with a class action suit against the Eichner group for restitution, citing the successful criminal findings of the AG. Of course, Eichner lawyers would drag that out for years, but at a minimum it could immediately halt any and all negative actions (harassing phone calls & letters, reporting to credit bureaus, etc.) by TMC against timeshare owners who cease all payments. In other words, it may take a while to get paid back, but at least we could stop paying. [Q=craigr32] I believe that I read that the AG would meet with a group of us, and I think now would be a good time to request a meeting between the AG and a group of owners. Since I live in Seattle, I would not be able to attend, but I am sure there are enough interested owners at this stage that would welcome a clarification of the $7 million and the possible difference between the owners' goals and the AG's goals[/Q]