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Royal Sunset Timeshare Scam

My sister and I went on a timeshare presentation 90 minutes. 2 hours later we were still there. Yes they ask all the questions about your family and vacation habits. Finally I told the representative I had enough and if he did not let us leave I would stand up shout out loud and cause a scene, I promised I was going to get very ugly and mean. The representative just sat there till I stood up then he tried to get me to sit down I raised my voice, saying why should I sit our 90 minutes was over 30 minutes ago. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. The manager came running out, and I told him I and done. I want out of this room NOW. He did and I got our gifts. Everyone was looking at us but by this time I did not care. My advice, use your outdoor voice. Stand up and say I'm not going to take this anymore. It works.