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Re: Exit Strategy

As a multiple TS owner for over 20 yrs. haven bought and "gotten rid of" on occasion. I do understand the meaning of "I'm done" I also, in the beginning sat thru the awe unspringing, dog and pony show. Only to learn to play by the rules. Granted there may be some legitimate exit strategy, and there may be some not so legit. As stated previously, it's not the "industries" concern to help people exit. I have seen on other sites where a couple of TS companies are offering buy backs, or are ROFR'ing TS that they can make money on, by re-selling. To your original point of "why". I would say, that what may have worked for one, may not work well for another. To your point of going off in other directions, or suggestions. I would ask you this, If you were standing on a cliff and you were bound to jump off and surely die because you thought there was no other way, but I told you there was a bridge that you could walk across and live. Would you jump ? As far as being rude, there is no excuse for that. I have caught several scammers, travel companies, and one person with there own agenda of luring people to a lawyer that has no reputation, or track record, other than taking some ones money and disappearing.