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Re: Living in a timeshare rental

As well you should. Time sharing is not for everyone, with a life time (or until you get rid of it) of MF's. That will only go up. If you feel that you still might want to own rent first, find a resort you would go back to yr. after yr. Pick one that would appeal to others, so renting would be a possibility. The most important one is NEVER BUY AT DEVELOPER resale, save some bucks. Use the resale's on sites here, TUG, and similar sites. I'd be cautious of sites Craig's list, or e-bay. Both of these sites you definitely need to do your home work. Not to say they don't prove out , but there is more of a chance for scammers. Using the different sites you can find people so hard pressed and ready to throw in the towel you will find them for free, or just to pay closing and transfer costs. There again rent first or possibly rent the ones you might be interested in. TS is not for everyone, go in with your eyes open, ask questions...