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Global Travel Network - has anyone used this? Pros and cons?

I jjust had the most awful experience with Jenna (representative) and Melissa Spvr). I signed up with Global Network at the Sloans Lake Chinese Boat Festival with Shawn. He asked if I was single or married--I answered single as I am. I scheduled the appt--missed my appt--rescheduled the appt for tonight 8/3/17 @ 5:45 p.m.--Jenna going over things--do I have children (no)--no daycare needed--do I have a committed relationship--I have a boyfriend--does he live with you--No--do you share responsibilites--No we are divorced--I am single--kept insisting I had to bring my boyfriend--I asked so if I dont bring my boyfriend I cant do the offered vacation--no-you must bring him--he has to hear all the information-explained conversation uncomfortable--req Spvr--long story short--no refund--no vacation--no deal package--insisting I bring my divorced boyfriend!! Sham Sham--shame on you!!!