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Original Message:

Re: Timeshare Relief, INC (by KC):


There are people who believe that outfits like Timeshare Relief, We Collect Timeshares LLC, Time No More, Timeshare Freedom, etc., etc, (ad nauseum) actually perform a "service". While I am NOT one of the people sharing that particular viewpoint, I will still nonetheless at least acknowledge that for a timeshare that cannot otherwise even be GIVEN away FOR FREE, this is indeed (at least potentially) a way "out" for a truly desperate owner --- one who doesn't mind ponying up $3k -- $4k just to "get out" of their ownership.

In your alternative scenario, merely citing closing costs for a sale, you apparently presume that there is a willing buyer available. Truth to tell however, that is simply NOT always the case. Some timeshares, like it or not, are very literally financially WORTHLESS today. In such a scenario, the PostCard Companies mentioned above (and others of that very same ilk) offer an alternative (albeit expensive) way for someone to get OUT of their ownership.

I am NOT defending these parasites. I am merely pointing out that there is, in fact, an alternative viewpoint and perspective on the matter, whether I (or you) personally subscribe to it or not....