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Original Message:

Re: Diamond Resorts reduces owner benefits again! (by Cindy K.):

Yes, Pamela! You've inspired me - I hope I will have more details to share with you as things progress. So much has happened and more is about to happen. For now - we work so that our monies will not be used to bring other unsuspecting, innocent buyers into this Cloobeck Web of darkness. One owner (from the midwest, I think) called it a "hostage situation".

Free the hostages; Free the financial hostages! Help those who think they're providing vacations for their loved ones, especially their children. ( But instead - these are being lured by "Shelob"-like characters, the daughter of "Ungoliant".) And those State Attorney Generals who are paid by our tax monies, and the Real Estate they stand by and watch as the small consumer is held hostage? It seems we often fight on our own. But, small, individual battles can add up to a great war.