Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Advice on how to proceed

Nov 15, 2009

Ok, first I know this isn't legal advice. I'm just looking for an educated opinion or two. My girlfriend owned a 2br at Club De Soleil in Las Vegas. She bought from Consolidated Resorts (I know bad. I own 2 resales and am very happy with no monthly payment). The day before Consolidated announced the bankruptcy, she did an upgrade to a 4br at Villas at Regal Palms in Orlando. The bankruptcy was announced and the rep said everything was fine, GMAC approved the loan (which was 2k more than the 1st), nothing to worry about. The first payment was supposed to come out at the beginning of August. It didn't happen. She stuck the money in a savings account in case it came through later (she has done that ever since, just in case). In September, no auto withdrawl. Mid September, she got a bill for the Maintenance and Transfer fees. I was thinking here we go. The online owners page had deleted her Club de Soleil (CDS) page and she set up her Regal Palms page. It showed the bill she had received. In October, no auto withdrawal happened. She decided she wouldn't pay it until the final paperwork on the purchase was mailed to her, as it did with her CDS purchase. She also got a hold of the original rep (works somewhere else now, we were pretty tight with him) and he said it should have gone through and the bankruptcy should've had no effect on it. Fast forward to today, no November payment, the online acct for CDS and Regal Palms are gone. There is nothing on her credit report. No phone calls, no letters, besides the one bill. What does she want? Her first choice would be to walk away from all of it. She doesn't care about a dime that was already put in. She doesn't want to call them and announce they screwed up, where they reinstate the deal, or place her back in CDS. She may not have a choice. Any opinions? advice? I promise not to hold anything said against anyone. Thanks

Mark W.
Nov 16, 2009

She needs to get legal advice from a real estate attorney ... I believe most attorneys will let you have one free session with them .... this is too complicated to sort out in an internet forum.

R P.

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