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Original Message:

Re: New points based Global Access and RCI points (by Tony W.):

We currently own 4 weeks at Orange Lake. In May 2006, we traded in one week for River Island and paid the upgraded price. We purchased thru Member Services and were told a new trading system was in the works and we would only have to pay $40. to exchange our RI week, rather than the RCI $185. Also, we were told ONLY RI owners would be allowed to stay in RI. This exchange program would be managed internally by OL, not thru RCI. At the same time, a relative bought at RI and also some friends. They were both told the same story. Our friends, who banked some of the RI time (they own 2 week, 3BR) are attempting to use their banked time, but have been told their chances of getting into RI within the next three years is 1%. We are now being told that the internal exchange program is Global Access, which is thru RCI, and we have to pay to join. How can this be when this was used as a selling feature when we bought? And why is RI so hard to get into if only RI owners are allowed? If we were to purchase Global Access and convert to points, would we be returning to our deeded unit each year? Has anyone else been given this information?