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Original Message:

Re: Are the renovations complete? (by Marty F):

michaeleh wrote:
Dear Marty Thank you for helping..but where do I find the Jamuary 23rd Update? on what web site? I do not always have an up and runnng computer and hae expected I guess to receive a mailing by the post office to any rennovations..will the owners be paying more for this or is it in the prior assessment for renovations? are you an Owner? Please RSVP..Michaele

Hi Michaele,

I don't own there. I work for I found the pool infomation by doing a search and believe it or not found it on the Northwest Airline website so that's why I recommend you contact the resort to verify the information. The link is

You'll have to scroll down to where it says "Construction". I wasn't able to find any updates on the resort's website so I don't know how accurate this information is.

Thanks, Marty