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Re: New points based Global Access and RCI points (by Alan A.):

I had a look at this "enhancement" We own two weeks in a three bed Tennis villa, always got great exchanges. I had a look at the new GA "points makes prizes" scheme and Lo! suddenly our three bed red time with great exchanges was now worth a lowley 133,000 points per week, a total of 266,000 points for two weeks (we live in the UK so have no interest in short breaks, far to far to travel) back to blue time chaps! Now, under "super GA points" we would not be able to exchange even into our own unit at a different time of the year without adding a minimum of 44,000 points per week (an extra 88,000 points just to go in our unit a week later!) and as for River Island and EXTRA 61,000 points per week just for our weeks! Well, this would mean an upgrade to extra points of £8,000 ($16,000) just to get what we have now with weeks! Panama City and Lake Geneva don't even have 3 bed units, I dont want a two bed, if I did I would not have bought a 3 bed in the first place!

To add another week or two would also mean another maintenance fee admitted the GA salesman, so already we pay $1,360 a year, so we would double that probably just to get two weeks in our unit at different times, gues what? I can get two weeks in a 4 bed villa or in a decent hotel for much less than that! Plus you still have to join RCI for proper exchanges and pay the exchange fees and we have lost the opportunity to change our weeks into RCI points direct by this sham of GA points. GA points is a rip off in my humble opinion and I just don't see the majority of OLCC owners falling for it.