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Original Message:

Re: grand mayan luxxe villa (by Bryce B.):

bryceb debrag4 bob739 bob739

debrag4 wrote:
bob739 wrote:
franb40 wrote:

Apparently, you found out the cost. Can you share that with us? Also, can you share what you found out about the buildings?[/ Just went on the presentation at Riviera Maya. The cost for a 3500 sq. ft. apartment was 399,999 for 4 wks. plus 4 VF weeks. They were offering to give me X amount of credit for my 2 bedroom Grand Mayan, but this was a one time deal that would never be offered to me again. Pressure with a capital P! The whole deal was absurd and they were quite ticked off at my refusal. The following week a friend was offered a "brand new, 2 day old offering" called the Grand Bliss. Bottom line was for about 12,000 more, taking their 2 BR unit, they are promised ocean view and the ability to reserve a year in advance. Oh, and their maint. is now about 1,000. Doesn't seem so great to me.[/Q]

Interesting. Are the apartments different types of units? They seem pretty large to me. Must have some decking, right?

I was confused about the Grand Bliss thing....was your friend offered an ocean view plus the ability to reserve one year in advance for $12,000 plus an increase in his maintenance fee? Or was he offered one of the apartments that gave him the ability to reserve one year in advance plus ocean views in exchange for his 2 BR Grand Mayan unit plus a cash payment of $12,000 and an increase in his MF?

I assume he can split the 2 BR Grand Mayan unit and use the 1 BR unit for one week and the room for another week? If so, it seems your friend would get a total of 4 weeks of use out of his 2 BR Grand Mayan unit (assuming he has a VFW and a VW). Did your friend tell you how many weeks of use he would have gotten if he accepted the Grand Luxxe Grand Bliss offer?[/

The 12,000 was the final price for the grand bliss offer with the exchange of their 2BR Grand Mayan. of course it started much higher. They had to give up their VF week. That means they have one week in a 2 BR , I'm not sure if it can be split.[/Q]

I learned a little more about the new renovations surrounding the grand luxxe project in neuvo vallarta. One the sells agents said a memo came out detailing what is to come within the next short while. This is what she emailed me:

" (there will be)the Nayar Beach Jungle & River Town, 4 to 5 New Trains Transporting 200 Passengers Per Train Around the Resort. J.Ñ. (Jack Nicholus) Golf Cousre Finished December 2008 with all Natural Lakes. The New River Town will have such Fine shops like Channel, Boss. Churches For Weddings, Circus Ole, Every Afternoon Water Shows, Theatres, Gym Spa and many fine Restaurants. Means of Transportation will be Boats Carts and Trains."

I asked for the actual memo but they would not release it to me. sooo, take it for what its worth. When I was there a lot construction was going on around the golf course and around the large river delta. Hopefully I wasn't being feed a bunch of crap. time will tell.