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Newbie: Questions on TS prices and selling getaways? (by Mike N.):

jamesb758 wrote:
...I hear the getaways for a 1-bedroom for a week can be around $299. Is that true? If not, what is the average getaway price for a 1-bedroom for a week?

...The salesperson at the timeshare we went to said that you can even SELL your getaways for a higher price. Thus, if we pay $179 for a one week getaway in the Caribbean (he showed us print-outs), we can sell that for $1500. Is this true? Has anyone ever sold a getaway? Is it even allowed?

Phil gave you some great information, but I want to elaborate a bit. As Phil said the inexpensive Getaway deals are mostly for off-season short-notice travel. Somehow I think II has raised it's prices, though you can probably get a great deal on Cape Cod in Jan/Feb. Even Getaway's for Palm Springs, CA in the MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER are going for $230, $330, and $430 for studio, 1 BR and 2 BR units respectively.

As for re-selling a getaway. You cannot. It is prohibited by II. If II discovers that a getaway was resold, the reservation will be cancelled. And besides, you not going to find too many $200 deals for the Caribbean except maybe last minute weeks during hurricane season.