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Original Message:


teresae47 wrote:
I have also been receiving multiple phone calls. I told them now way to the $2K he came down to $850.00. Has anyone tried them?

I'm sure someone has "tried them". And, without having to ask, I know what the result has been. This company has taken this upfront fee, listed the property on some obscure website and just left it at that.

The fact that you are "receiving multiple phone calls" is a surefire indication of a scam. No legitimate resale company will phone you.

Also, the fact that they started out at $2000 and then quickly came down to $850 should be a giveaway. Why would they quickly chop 58% of the price? It shows that they're just trying to milk as much money out of you as they can.

To repeat the hard fast rule in trying to sell timeshares: NEVER pay anyone a large upfront fee to sell, rent out, or market you timeshare. That is always a scam and you will get zero results.