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dawne58 wrote:
i think harold might be someone from this scam ...

We have a name for people like that on these boards. We call them "shills". The shills' MO is that they come on these boards pretending to be a timeshare owner giving glowing reports about how a company provided some miraculous service involving the sale or rental his timeshare.

Such stories are usually embellished, exaggerated, or outright false. Their goal is to trick unsuspecting people into using their scam service.

One frequent poster on these boards who calls himself "Ken" usually issues a challenge to these shills to prove their claim by providing the legal details of the sale which are available for public record. These challenges always go unanswered proving that these shills' stories are just that --- stories.

Besides, even if these shills' stories were true, there are many, many more instances of people who pay these upfront fee companies large amounts of money and come away with nothing. Do you really want to risk such money with odds like those?

To put it another way, would you put down $900 on a roulette wheel at a casino when, if you picked the one and only right number, you would get $20,000 in return?