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Original Message:

Re: Can't even give them one star (by Terri B.):

Not an owner? How dare you. Christine and Karen and Allie are three on this forum that know me (for better or for worse). I bought my timeshare at a breakfast event at a Holiday Inn in Springfield, Va in 1982. There was a mock up on a table. It was only a couple of years old. Timeshares were hot back then and there was no interest on the loan and the price was right. We were happy there so never traded for 31 years and therefore never stayed at any other timeshare property. It was our only vacation once a year. We were part of a large Thanksgiving crowd who met there every year and became good friends and we still see some of them.

Had my own issues over the years but worked with them to resolve to my satisfaction. should be ashamed of yourself to accuse me of working for them. As I have posted on this forum before we were in collections and headed for court but decided to work with them on a resolution.

I only hope everyone gets what they want/need with whatever road you all take.