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Can't even give them one star (by Terri B.):

The bankruptcy filing is old news and they were freed from it in 2014. I believe they did settle some large loan debts. The more recent news about the resort employees and their pay is really a shame as they work hard and are such wonderful people. The resort has been listed by a Nassau realty company for years but not does not appear that its actively 'worked' by agents. There is still an aggressive on site sales staff not run by Land'Or and I can't recall the name of the company off the top of my head but they must be contracted. The units they have turned into 2/3 bedrooms are truly beautiful and state of the art so I guess thats whats selling. Its very difficult to get away from the sales pressure and as long time owners with zero desire to buy more weeks we and others have been very vocal to be left alone or it was going to get very ugly. They grab you on the driveway coming or going and sit in the lobby by the doors ready to leap with offers of meals,etc. Their constant pursuit can ruin a vacation and its hard to dodge them but we and friends have come up with clever evasive I ended up unplugging the phone to keep them from annoying us even after I strongly told them to stop calling. I just wish they would more aggressively renovate more of the one bedroom units. Not going every year like we used to so perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised next time.