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Original Message:

Re: Resort management has changed from Southwind to the Colonnade (by Thanks ALOT Inderjit Grewal! Good luck Good Mgmt!):

Hi Della, Great to see you have been following this forum and quickly answered the owner's (monoroec2's) concerned question above. You and your staff have my continued praise and prayers for all that you have gone through with dealing with Inderjit and getting to this point in the process. Know that the strength of support and encouragement from us owners continues as you continue to clean up and get to the bottom of the mess that Inderjit left behind. We eagerly await your future posts here and updates on with answers to our questions as soon as you discover and/or compile them. We also look forward to a great wealth of information sharing from you as meetings, plans, options, programs, and guiding documents are in their planning stages so that our concerns can be addressed. Much continued thanks for your effort, time, and consideration. Sincerely, Robert