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Original Message:

Re: Resort management has changed from Southwind to the Colonnade (by R S.):

I first filed a complaint with the Mo Attorney General in the fall of 2015, then filed again in March of 2017. I don't even hear back from them anymore. I suspect they are not working on this at all. I have not received a mf bill for 2018, but I have no intention of paying any of them another dime. We have been scammed from the beginning, in 2002. We purchased a timeshare at the Grand Regency that was to be a full service resort with all the amenities the other Branson resorts have. We were shocked when we came for our first visit and there were 2 buildings, and nothing else. We have been told lie after lie, from every owner the resort has had, and then last year finally lost our ability to trade through II. This is absolutely criminal. People need to stop paying anything to anyone that has anything to do with the Grand Regency. There is no one that has ever gotten this mess straightened out. Obviously the mf fees have not gone for upkeep for many years. The place is the exact same as when we purchased in 2002. If anyone has any real direction to help in this matter, please let me know. In the meantime - you better keep your money.