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Re: Resort management has changed from Southwind to the Colonnade (by Krazy E.):

I see that the Missouri association folks have taken down the court order pdf from their site. They have replaced it with an FAQ. This really chaps me....

Q: “Why is it necessary for us to pay our maintenance fees?” ​ A: Necessary repairs and upgrades cannot be made or paid for without maintenance fees being paid. Since Greenlake foreclosed on their interest, they have subsidized both Associations in order to meet financial obligations. It is necessary for all Owners to pay maintenance fees in order to continue these operations and make the repairs. ​ I’m not sure if anybody at Greenlake is capable of reading, (people that can read generally don’t lend millions of $ to well established con artists) but if they happen to stumble across redweek....please know this..... it took me all of 10 minutes to figure this out what inderjit was doing. That was 10 minutes of google searching. Surely you guys are bright enough to do more due diligence than that, right? I filed my first complaint with the atty general in 2015 because I knew that somebody with his legal past (unpaid tax bills that I think he’s still running from, financial and legal troubles in his California nightclub - oh and a death or two perhaps due to his negligence in that venture Club H2O in Redding, ca, but don’t take my word for it, google it, I’m simply sharing what is readily available public information).

Please tell me who in their right mind would loan Millions to a shyster like this? Did you not ever meet the guy? Did you not see what he did to the banks in California? Again, public record. This is not rocket science.

I’m light of your absolute stupidity loaning Inderjot Grewal enough $$ to put us ALL in this situation, you’ll have to forgive me for not gushing over your generosity in subsidizing the associations so that you can continue to bill us.