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Original Message:

Re: Is this a good news or bad news? (by Debi C.):

Back up, first of all I was only replying to your message from December 15th. Sounds to me like you have already beaten everyone up, including yourself and that was definetly not my intention. I was only replying to your comments. I came upon this site after I was told by the hotel early last year to check with owners to see if they were renting out their rooms. Actually that is the first time that I had ever even seen or read anything on time share rentals or selling of time shares. I was amazed at how many persons rent out their weeks and even more amazed at how many are selling, and in no way am I considering purchasing. It is also a good site to get feedback on properties that I might want to stay at. I even was working with a woman who was very helpful on renting her time, the only problem was that she only had it for 7 nights and I was looking at 14....the price of renting a time share is right in line with what you can get at a travel agent. I also apologize that you mis-understood the part of 'banning" together, I assumed that even though you are a "paper owner" your suggestions and comments would be heard by Diamond Resorts. I filled out my suggestions and comments to them already as a guest. Again, I was not trying to offend anyone, I was not, but am now, aware of how much these "offers" are hurting people. And for the record, I still love Kaannapli Beach Club just as I did 13 years ago!