Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.

Original Message:

Re: how often do people leave their posting up after they rent? (by KC):

Back to the actual question originally asked, some advertisers will leave an ad in place until not long before the occupancy date, even if they have a tenant "lined up" already. Why?

It makes good sense IMO, since a last minute cancellation can occur and an owner might want to have a "backup" tenant to be able to contact quickly. That "backup" can always just say "no thanks, too late now". Then again, many owners have a "no cancellation, no refunds" policy clearly written right into the rental contract, particularly once the rental date is only 60 days or less away. By then there is much less chance and much less time to successfully find another tenant and complete a new signed rental contract. it After all, NO timeshare owner ever wants to (or should ever have to) just "eat" their annual maintenance fee costs on their timeshare unit because it ended up sitting empty due to a late cancellation. Hence, leaving ads in place to seek a "backup"tenant, even after accepting a deposit. I very seldom rent out any of the few weeks we own, but that's exactly what I would do.

I'd also point out that an owner must pay for a full six months for any RedWeek rental ad and, unless I'm mistaken, once "deactivated" an ad cannot be "reactivated" later. Personally, I don't believe that any advertising owner should have to "deactivate" a (pre-paid) ad as soon as a single (potential) renter has stepped up. That advertising owner should have the right to leave the (pre-paid) ad in place and just honestly tell subsequent inquirers that it's PROBABLY already rented, but that the owner can contact them if that rental falls through for reasons unforeseen and unpredictable. Just my own viewpoint and personal opinion.